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As part of another E-zine assignment, I went to and looked up a “The Way I See It” post. Here it is.

Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. Wikis give us a place where anyone who is kind, thoughtful and intelligent can come and join us in building a better and more rational world.
Jimmy Wales
Founder of Wikipedia and

The problem with wikis is that morons who have no idea what they are talking about or people who add incorrect information out of sheer spite can easily add false information and people will accept it as proof. As part of the assignment, I also had to write my own “The Way I See It” post.

It is extremely unlikely that any new Batman movie is going to be as good as The Dark Knight. Heath Ledger’s performance outshone all others, and the Joker’s new look captured his personality much better than the normal unbroken white makeup. The movie would have been okay without him, but Heath Ledger is what made The Dark Knight great. Also, to all SSBB players out there, Pit is so cheap and there is a reason Meta Knight is at the top of the tier list.

I recently had to take several personality quizzes, and write a blog entry about my impressions. Some of the quizzes were somewhat accurate, but most of them were dead wrong. The categories were too restrictive, and even when they got some aspects of my personality correct, they claimed that my personality had different aspects than it really does. Don’t trust personality quizzes.  Pie is good.